As I’ve thought about the insights shared by Pam the last two days (Waiting to Work), I keep thinking about something I saw this summer. We walked along a trail wrapped around a lake like a scarf around a neck, and the woods were filled with a variety of wildflowers. We made our way up a hill and surveyed the view of the mountains sitting on the other side of the water. The difference in the landscape was amazing. Unlike our lush green hilltop, the opposite slope was blackened and barren, with naked poles covering the mountain. There was only one explanation: FIRE.
When a fire sweeps through a lush area, it often happens quickly and unexpectedly, spurred on by heat of the season and winds in the atmosphere. It rushes through, devastating everything in its path. When its work is done, it leaves smoldering ruins of charred emptiness. Looking at it it’s hard to imagine it can recover. But it does.
In fact, heat and destruction of intense fire actually help to release new life. It opens new seeds that would not have been released without heat, and it clears the canopy, so new growth can take hold and fill the forest floor with fresh life.
Unemployment can feel like a sudden, intense, unbearable, all consuming fire that only destroys. There’s no doubt that it takes a toll. But the hope is that a time of joblessness can be also be the season before new life and growth, new opportunity and prosperity.
When my long weeks passed when I waited to work, I began a challenging teaching position that stretched me, grew me, opened doors of influence, and provided for us in wonderful and unexpected ways. The season of waiting was so hard, but God had not forgotten us.
Teresa is a friend of mine who works in the Human Resources field. Because of the needs during this firestorm of job loss, she has started a support group for job seekers that meets for encouragement, prayer, help, and networking. She shares some helpful insights tomorrow during this week’s focus on “Waiting to Work.”
Has God provided work for you or someone you care for?
Twenty two years ago, dh and I, along with oldest dd, 11 months old at the time, made a cross-country move back to our hometown. Dh's income was drastically reduced and there was no choice that I had to find employment.
I set out going to each local business to inquire about a job, and came upon a just-opened business. Although the co-owner didn't know me, he told me that yes, he needed help. When he talked with the "silent" co owner, who knew my family, he said to hire me! When that business closed two years later, I was offered a job by the silent partner at his business.
At the time, I wasn't seeing it as God's plan, but over the years as I've looked back, I know it was.
Two months after we bought our house, Nate lost his job suddenly. AG was 9 months old, and after years of living on meager income through Nate's grad school years, we had little to no savings. He was out of work for 4 months, but we never missed a bill payment or went hungry – God provided every month! Each month when our major bills would come due, our small group would pray with us specifically and then ask the next week with anticipation – "what happened?" We had a story to share every time about how God provided the money we needed, groceries on our step, etc. He is good. And, our small group learned so much through that time, as well – many were newer believers and they were living vicariously through us, watching how God will provide.
Heidi and Kristi, thank you for taking time to share how God provided in His sovereign ways and timing for you. When I hear stories like yours, it give God credit for being the amazing Jehovah Jireh He is! Your stories give others who are "waiting" hope. Thank you for sharing.