Do you ever feel confused by the way the world measures us as women compared to the way God measures us? I know I allow worldly standards to creep into my thinking and need correction to bring my thoughts back in line with God’s standard. That’s when I need what Romans 12:2 calls being “transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This month the summer online edition of Sanctified Together theme is: The Measure of a Woman. Writers share perspectives about seeing our lives as measured by God’s truth.
If you have been reading at Come Have a Peace for very long, you know I occasionally break into poetry. š That’s the case in this new edition of Sanctified Together. I wrote a poem titled “Some Will Say,” and I’d love for you to read and let me know if you can relate to any of the pits of “mis-measuring” that we can fall into. I hope it will be an encouragement to you as you measure your days.
Hey Julie,
I really enjoyed your poem and I can most definitely relate as I know many women can.
I was married before for 11 years. My x husband constantly put me down and to tell you the truth I was put down my entire life, even as a child until now. I have always felt I was never good enough.
But thank God I broke free from that bondage 4 years ago when my wonderful husband came info my life. He makes me feel beautiful and worthy. I really feel secure for the first time in my life and it feels wonderful.
God has made me see that I am important and that He has called me for a reason and it does not matter what anyone else says. I know I am valued in His eyes.
Thanks for sharing your poem with us!
Julie, this is beautiful and I can relate in so many ways. I am continually on a journey of discovery what God says about me and having it seep deep into my heart. "To love Him best", that's what I want. To know Him,and be known by Him. In the end, nothing else really matters.
Julie, that was so beautiful! I am not much on poetry, but I loved it! It is a great reminder and I will be printing it out for myself! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Loved your poem and love your blog…always glad when I stop by…
Beautiful poem…anointed by the Holy Spirit! Wow! Thank you for your obedience to write as it strikes our hearts with Truth from Who He is! Lovely!
Setting healthy expectations of ourselves unleashes us from a bondage that does not allow us to soar in as God created us to do. Your poem is a wonderful eye-opener on the need to set our expectations only on God's standards, not the world's. And your poem does it so gently and beautifully!