Weeks ahead look full of baking and golden turkey skin and ribbons and cinnamon and hugs with kisses on cheeks. So many feet will come to our door. It’s time to start the gathering of guests. They come from far away, by planes and cars. They’ll bring bags and stories and burdens. Some we know. Some we have yet to know. Some will drink deep cups of coffee, others cups of cider, and others second helpings of listening. Days of welcomes and hands clasped around the table begin today. Every room has been readied…
Porch swept, floors washed, dusting done, bathrooms fragrant with vinegar and windex. Still vacuuming to do… maybe after a last minute load of laundry. Hide the ironing pile. Menus made and groceries bought.
Set the table for honored guests. Dining room ready.
Fresh sheets, empty trash, clean towels. Guest room ready.
Meat marinading. Bread made. Fruit ripe. Kitchen ready.
Nerf guns hidden. Legos boxed. Pillows plump. Family room ready. Nevermind the dead porch mum. Nevermind the stack of papers to file. Nevermind the doorknob that sticks. It’s time to start the gathering of guests. Every room has been readied.
Wait. Every room? The room of my heart? Was it left out? Is it clean? Is it peaceful? Is there plenty of room to welcome strangers and friends?
Hebrews 13:1-2
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Yes, time for the gathering of guests to begin. I’ll prepare the room of my heart.
Is there a gathering of guests coming at your home? Are you rooms ready? ALL of your rooms?