There’s always a “catch” in life. You know … something seems too good to be true, and it usually is. The optimist in me keeps hoping I’ll stumble on something legitimately undeserved and wonderful in this world … but such blessing really isn’t of this world.
I was reminded this weekend of how often the promises of this world have a catch, how they fail us.had to be called to accountability for what they promised. I wasn’t planning on going out for the bargain hunt on black Friday. We were at my parents’ home, though, and that morning I discovered my dad snuck out around a quarter to 4 … he went to my favorite store (I won’t name it, but think “bulls eye”) to get a 50% deal on a vacuum cleaner. Each store only had 4, so he knew he had to be early. He flooded in with the rest of the waiting hoarde, and he made his way back to the vacuum aisle. He got his prize and went to check out, only to find out it wasn’t “in the system” at the right price. My dad is a smart shopper, so he whipped out his copy of the sale paper, showed the cashier, and ultimately got the holiday price. Even my beloved store
I spent Black Friday touring our Nation’s capital with my 2 kiddos. It didn’t take long to get there, but it took an hour to find a parking place, so we felt victorious when we finally landed a free spot. It didn’t matter if it was far away. There were so great moments … lunch near the White House, watching a parade of black official cars race by (the injured President?), seeing the American flag in its new display, coffee at an old firemens hall …. until we got back to the car … and found the ticket. Fined. For something I couldn’t figure out. I asked a nearby driver; he had no idea. I found a parking cop; he was so sympathetic as he showed me the strange post with a “P” on the side. “P” is for parking, as in put your money in to park legally. :/ Groan. The back of the ticket says I can send in an explanation that we don’t have such a post in Tennessee, and I’d never seen such a thing. The fine print says they may waive it. Our “awesome parking spot” had a catch. Few things that are shiny are as brilliant as they appear.
I love it that God delivers what He advertises. We obey, and He blesses. We pray, and He hears us. We confess, and He forgives. He doesn’t try to trick us or hide His plans for us. He makes the way clear to draw us to Himself and to restoration.
Lamentations 3:21-23
This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
So my mom will have a vacuum cleaner sized gift for Christmas (I’m not a spoiler … she already knows. She woke up at 4 am wondering where my dad was. 🙂 ). And I guess I’ll go back home to where we don’t have parking posts and write my explanation and beg for forgiveness. Somehow, I’m pretty sure there’s a catch and I’ll be paying.
So glad His compassions fail NOT,
Sorry about that ticket, but I am sure once you explain they will waive it. At least I will pray that they do. That's great about your dad and the vacuum!