How IS your Christmas season going? If you’ve missed a post, be sure to subscribe to get updates sent to your email. Here’s an overview, if you’ve missed a post. Next week we’ll start out with Marriage Mondays (a merry version), a recipe, and then a focus on having a Peaceful Christmas. That’s right … it’s not too late. š
In the last two weeks, we’ve reflected on how to have a Christmas that’s festive and significant. I spent Thursday night with our Sock it to Me ministry at our homeless shelter. I will share about that, but I’m honestly just still digesting it and thinking and praying about how to put it into words. I’ll include that in next week’s posts. For now, let me give you a look back on where we’ve been so far in this Christmas season. I hope your Christmas season so far is genuinely festive and significant! Click on any title below to read that post.
Christmas really can be festive
The cream in the Puff
Forgiveness Prepares the Way for Festivity
5 Reasons 2B Flexible
I hate my hair
Strangers make it significant
More than giving up a latte
I hope you’ll stay with me as we capture this season of celebrating Christ’s birth and experience it in a way that’s meaningful for us and those around us.
Peace on earth,