Do you think you’re qualified to be an Olympic judge? Me neither. They have to be dedicated to knowing the nuances of their sport and studying what separates the silver from the gold. Are you qualified to judge the difference between a winning marriage and a failing marriage?
While watching Olympic gymnastics, I admitted there is no way my body can perform the athlete’s amazing exercises. The gymnast’s performance seemed miraculous, but the sports commentator critically observed, “That was a serious bobble. It may be over. I think that bobble will really hurt in the scoring.” A BOBBLE? Over? Seriously?
No marriage receives a perfect score. We all have “bobbles.” You don’t even have to be a married person to recognize what makes a couple stand out as a gold medal marriage. Right now, children in gyms and pools and fields are in training and headed towards extra-ordinary, Olympic futures. Right now children in families, friendships and churches are in training and headed towards extra-ordinary, marital futures. Though we live in a day when people want to change the standard and come up with new definitions, God has a lot to say about what we’re to aim for in wedded bliss. He is the only qualified “judge” of a winning marriage, and His standard has not changed. He does not exclude us for “bobbles” or injuries, but calls us not to give up in our quest to see His banner raised over us in victorious display of gold medal oneness.
From what you know of the one Judge, what do you think makes for a winning marriage? I’d love to hear your thoughts about one or more of these fun questions. Everyone who answers will be entered to win a copy of a fantastic book that’s a great “exercise” for a husband and wife to use in their training and conditioning together.
JUST LEAVE ME A COMMENT to share your awesome thoughts. Every answer can be a comment, and each comment is an entry. After all …. I’m guessing you’ve watched a little Olympics, too, and you’re probably ready to weigh in with a field you know something about. 😉 You’ll be entered to win a copy of Dr. David Hawkins’ See Dick and Jane Grow Up – 7 Growth Steps to Marital Maturity. I’ll announce the winner next Monday.
Judging a gold medal marriage
Pick 1 or more of these questions and leave your answer(s) in a comment below:
- A ______________ qualifies as a bobble in marriage.
- A gold medal wife is a gal who is _______________________
- To keep the torch lit in marriage, it helps to ________________
- The Olympic sport that best compares to marriage is: (pick one)
synchronized diving
doubles tennis
pairs figure skating
equestrian riding
1.A ______________ qualifies as a bobble in marriage.
I would say – miscommunication. We are big on talking, even if it’s unpleasant we talk about it.
3.To keep the torch lit in marriage, it helps to ________________
I would say affection! I know I am a newlywed. But we are very affectiate to one another. Both of us feel like it’s our biggest love language to each other, even just sitting on the couch we hold hands, for hours sometime! And it helps to just kiss for no reason!
2. A gold medal wife is a gal who is _______________________.
“Remembers how much she has been forgiven”
Definitely “doubles tennis” 🙂
Loved this post and the comment options!
4. The Olympic sport … of the choices offered I pick doubles tennis but the decathlon came to my mind immediately. Why? Because you need various skills to succeed and it involves a view of the long haul. You don’t “win” after the first competition. Perseverance pays off over time with great pleasure.