Today’s women have been re-educated.
- I have a friend who took in two women at risk for human trafficking; no one gave her an award.
- I have a friend caring for her aged mother in her home; no one gave her an award.
- I have a friend who carried the load of her sick husband; no one gave her an award.
- I have a friend who gave hours to mentor a woman getting back on her feet; no one gave her an award.
And yet … these are things God loves and qualities He rewards.
We’re not the first to be targeted for re-education by our Enemy; Eve was the first to face an identity crisis. He has a way of dangling something beautiful in front of us so we question our current identity and develop an appetite for a better one; it works.
- Have you ever gone to get a haircut and asked for a “Jennifer Aniston” or a “Beth Moore” hairdo?
- Have you ever skimmed an article in a doctor’s office and gone home to wonder why your love life is so bland?
- Have you said to your laundry basket, “I will not be a slave to you any more??” (Or a variation?)
- Have you ever turned away from a Facebook post, wondering why your life is more “like hers?”
- Have you ever decided to take a class, get a degree, or get some highlights because your class reunion approached?
Fame pays better than servanthood. The career ladder gives better bonuses than motherhood. Marketing products is more exciting than impacting people. We may try to convince ourselves we can do both, pursue what makes us FEEL significant while following God’s path to significance … but they have a way of cancelling each other out. That’s not to say God may not open a door for us to get a degree and market a product behind the scenes that makes us famous and impacts people all at the same time … but that’s not usually the way it happens. More often than not, there are no rewards for being steady, faithful, and supportive.
The Christian world does its fair share to dangle cover girls and cover families in front of us so we think we need a certain look, a certain devotional, or a certain experience if we’re to “arrive” in our faith. Still a fruit … just a different apple. It’s not just the secular world confusing today’s person of faith, causing an identity crisis.
Our Enemy loves it when we doubt our worth, wonder at our purpose, and feel discontent with who we are. He’s observed us, and he uses what gets under our skin. I’m a writer … for me, it may be writing a book. For you, it might be ___________. You fill in the blank. What does the Enemy use to entice YOU to question your current identity and create an appetite for a better one?
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” (1 Cor. 14:33a)
If we look to the world for our identity, we will probably end up in confusion. God is not a God of confusion. He wants us to know who we are without Him and who we can become IN Him. God wants us to find our identity.
What gets under your skin to create an identity crisis?
I pretty much have had a life long identity crisis. No matter how fervently I pray, the enemy of my soul produces chaos in my path to finding out what God really wants from me. I printed this so I can read and reread and reread. I think I’m too comfortable and need to get out of the zone and be more. I’m not sure how I found your blog, but I’m thankful for however I happened to stumble onto it today.
I’m thankful too Jane. You are absolutely right that God wants us to “be more,” but our identity crisis so often holds us back, keeping us from finding our what God wants from us and for us. Most of all, He wants us to let Him love us. So glad you “stumbled” here too, and I will pray that God unfolds more of what He has for you and for me in this month of finding our identity.
When I found my identity, it was the most wonderful thing! What/who is my identity? I am a child of God. Period. I wear many different hats: mom, wife, aunt, school teacher, piano player, blogger. Those identities could change at any moment. However, who God calls me–His… will never change. My identity isn’t based on what I do, it’s based on Who I belong to–God.
And that gives me peace 🙂
That’s a great way to say it Lisa! Sadly, when women today try to find their identity in the doing and in those “hats,” the peace is lost. I wish it was just a one time challenge to conquer, but our Enemy watches for opportunities to stir the pot of our confusion. You’re so right that we have to keep coming back to the one thing that does NOT change … being His. Knowing that makes the new year look awesome!