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People who have tasted bitter words have the greatest passion to speak life to others. The woman approached by Jesus at the well had known bitter words. Her solitary visit to draw water and her history of many men expose why her community left her lonely. Her sinful lifestyle was the cause of the death of many good things in her life, leaving her longing. Jesus promised the soul-thirsty woman that, “whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14)
When Jesus spoke life to Samaritan woman, she became a conduit of life-words to others. She immediately shared to others, probably the ones who shared in her sin or judged her sin. As a result, “many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified,” (John 4:39). Motivation to speak words of life to others gives evidence of how our own life has been changed.
When I heard my friend Stephanie Shott’s story, I discovered why she has such a passion for moms today. Her understanding led her to establish The MOM Initiative, a movement to help provide the kind of mentoring for mothers that Titus 2 describes. Stephanie’s book, The Making of a Mom, will be a practical tool for women to use in coming alongside other women. As a women’s ministry leader, I see this great need locally and globally, in church pews and in women’s shelters. Women need other women if we’re to mother well.
This summer The MOM Initiative will welcome moms, mentors, and ministry leaders to our first ever conference, “Better Together.” We’ll gather in Jacksonville, Florida July 31 – 2 to ignite a passion for women to grow in faith and influence our next generation. In short, we’ll do a lot of “speaking life” into women to live out their faith as moms.
There will be 4 keynote sessions and 40 workshops on a wide range of topics for women.
My 4 sessions at the Better Together Conference
- Reaching the Hard to Reach Child – Not every child is easy to reach. Physical issues, behavior challenges, and life’s consequences can make it hard to nurture, much less manage, the children we call our own.
- Building a Top Notch Team – A women’s ministry is only as strong as the team that leads it. How do you build a multi-generational, passionate, equipped team of women committed to a shared vision in today’s world?
- Changing Lives in a Changing World – Find out how to craft an environment for mentoring relationships, small groups, and large group gatherings to reach a new generation.
- Still the One: How to Keep Loving after all These Years – It’s not easy to stay married through the seasons of life, but those who hang in there discover the rare joys of loving through the years. Find out how to ride out life’s changes and challenges.
- Get the details for the MOM Initiative Better Together Conference here
- Register for the MOM Initiative Better Together Conference here
Moms today need someone to speak life into their hearts. The MOM Initiative and the Better Together Conference began with one woman’s desire to do just that. How does God want YOU to speak life to another woman in your world?
SOOOOO excited about BETTER TOGETHER and the workshops you are doing! 🙂
It’s going to be an awesome conference, friend! Praying in preparation and anticipation!