Yesterday in #NewStart15 Kimberly Sowell gave a challenge to “Consider Your Ways.” Lori Wildenberg said we can grow in godliness through Simple Change. Today we read two passages focusing on how Holiness Pleases God.
This January, we’re in transition; a lot about our lives is unknown. As God closed the door to our last ministry, He opened a new one for me as Executive Director of a non-profit organization fighting Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. It’s an ugly business, but I’m confident it pleases God, and I’m grateful. You could say I’m working for holiness.
The Unholiness of Human Trafficking
Sex trafficking happens in my own country, where the average age of a new victim is 13. Unlike drugs that are snorted, smoked, and injected, people are used over and over. Our children are sold every day to satisfy unholy urges. “Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” (James 1:14-15)
Trafficking takes place in the wasteland of unholiness. Today for #NewStart15, we look at 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 and Ephesians 4:25-32. Let’s sift out an essential truth for life in a world of darkness.
We know God’s will
- God calls us to to apply what we know, pleasing Him more and more. (v. 1) Are my habits more holy this year than last?
- God’s will for me is my sanctification. (v.3) We don’t have to wonder at God’s will; He wants our purity.
- God gives us clear instructions on how to live for our benefit and His glory. (vv. 3-8) We need to control our bodies.
Sexual recklessness and sin cause physical, mental, and emotional damage, impacting the victim and the community harboring the offense. When God calls us to purity instead of immorality, it’s for our good health and happiness. We’re to control our bodies, resisting sexual sin, “not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins … For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” (1 Thess. 4:5-7)
Human trafficking is a destination on the dark path of unholiness. “How does such horror happen?” people ask me. It starts small. It often begins by feeding temptations with erotic entertainment (visual or literary), moves to hard core porn (online or paper), then demands more stimulation at strip joints or private parties, moving closer to twisted insistence on satisfying evil lusts by “ordering” young victims online with the same ease of ordering a pizza. I wish I was making this up. I wish I was just talking about non-believers. A lack of holiness hurts.
We have God’s standards
God is pleased when holy standards shape our days. (Ephesians 4:28-32)
- Speak truth to our neighbors
- Don’t sin in anger
- Work hard and share with the needy
- Speak good things that give grace
- Put away the garbage in our hearts
- Forgive
Let’s connect the dots of these passages. The Lord will come one day for His own, and “we will be with the Lord forever,” (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8). Until then, God has a plan for our growth, to be found pure at His return. God’s will for our holiness is meant to shape our days and impact our world.
- God’s will does not change with our circumstances (1 Thess. 4:3)
- God’s values cover sexual purity and He avenges evil (1 Thess. 4:3-8)
- God’s principles answer my people problems (Ephesians 4:28-32)
In my time of transition, God is allowing me to work for holiness. At its root, the evil of human trafficking is a heart issue. Can God’s people possibly push back the tide of this darkness? I believe with all my heart, “YES!” If we don’t push it back, who will?
Oh God, purify our lives in private places where no one sees. Give us a thirst to please You by walking in holiness. Use us to bring healing to the broken and light to those in darkness. Make us a conduit of peace in this wasteland of unholiness. You are the Prince of Peace and Peace follows where holiness leads.
Tomorrow on New Start 15 Angela Mackey hosts our scripture post for the day, along with Kathy Howard.
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Julie, thank you for showing us how impurity is progressively destruction and in contrast holiness is progressively pleasing to God. Thank you too for ministering in an area of such bondage and darkness. May God give you strength and guidance as you serve Him there. May He shine His light through you to illuminate dark places.
That’s my prayer, Kathy, that His strength will enable me to shine for Him in this dark area left in the absence of holiness.