As I typed today's title, I realize that these guidelines apply to more than just the world of "school." You can use them anywhere that you have a tendency to face pressure to over-commit and the potential of wearing out from it. There is a way to volunteer without getting overwhelmed, and in ...
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School Supplies ~ Prayer Card
Here's a little "ARTWURK" to help guide you in meaningful prayers for the kids in your life. As children start school, it doesn't matter if they are home schooled, privately or publicly schooled, they need our prayers to learn and grow towards God's best.
This is an easy to remember guide to ...
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Tasty Tuesday: Back to School Scones
I'm in mourning ... over the end of the Olympics and the start of school. So to make myself feel better, I made these "Back to School Scones." They're a taste of England and they "say love" to the two big kids that left the house this morning in the rain. They loved them and requested them weekly. ...
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Marriage Mondays: Losing Husbands online
Congratulations to Angela, winner of last week's giveaway! And it sounds like "Doubles Tennis" was the hands down winner for the best comparison to of an Olympic sport to marriage. I also loved the comment that "A gold medal gal is one who ... remembers how much she has been forgiven."
If you ...
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How dirty is this word to YOU?
Some of us use this dirty word so often that we've stopped appreciating its value or its power to offend. When it was first used, it had nothing to do with anything religious, but today it stirs up strong feelings around the world. Think twice before you use the word "church."
Jesus made the word ...
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