While we worry about whether or not to color our gray, how to let out our jeans, and how to lift up what sags, our husbands are getting older too. You may spend a lot of time and energy (and $?) trying to slow down the aging process, only to roll over one morning and realize you're married to an old ...
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Ready Set REACH! Week #7
The closer I get to our Asia team departure date, the louder the whispers grow ... "You're not prepared enough. You haven't thought of everything. You're going to be so tired. You're going to be overwhelmed. You're not an adequate team leader. You have to take 7 girls/women there and bring them all ...
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Women’s Team to Asia Countdown
After a full day of working and serving in a tribal village, my teammate and I sank into the back seat of the truck for the ride home. As we processed all the doors God opened that day, we did some dreaming with our partners about future potential. God planted the idea in our hearts and minds to ...
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Tasty Tuesday: Balsamic Strawberries
When I saw strawberries priced at .79 cents for a 1 lb package, I was inspired. Balsamic strawberries make a healthy, quick side dish or a delicious topping for shortcake (or biscuits in our house), but with a little twist. Knowing what a healthy option they are, compared to the "pour on the sugar" ...
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Marriage Mondays ~ Using the Moon
Saturday night it looked like the moon had come down to rest on earth. The "Super Moon" was a once a year event when the moon was closest to the earth. For scientists, it was like the annual Academy Awards show. For lovers, it was an invitation.
Now before I go much farther, let me just say that ...
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