I've just been waiting for my calendar to say "fall" so I could make this! My family loves it, which explains why we nearly had to go into negotiations while it cooled on the counter, and 1 out of 3 loaves didn't make it thru the night. I stashed one in the freezer for later and one in an ...
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Tasty Tuesday ~ Favorite Pumpkin Bread
I've just been waiting for my calendar to say "fall" so I could make this! My family loves it, which explains why we nearly had to go into negotiations while it cooled on the counter, and 1 out of 3 loaves didn't make it thru the night. I stashed one in the freezer for later and one in an ...
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Marriage Mondays ~ 5 Sec Touch Challenge
If you knew you could do something guaranteed to reduce your husband's stress load and increase satisfaction in your relationship, would you do it? What if it was as simple as spreading your hand and touching your man?Last year the New York Times published a report by Benedict Carey about how touch, ...
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Marriage Mondays ~ 5 Sec Touch Challenge
If you knew you could do something guaranteed to reduce your husband's stress load and increase satisfaction in your relationship, would you do it? What if it was as simple as spreading your hand and touching your man?Last year the New York Times published a report by Benedict Carey about how touch, ...
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Covenant #2 – Put on Your Robe!
A promising runner joined Jo's cross country team, but she didn't have what she needed to move from a team member to a champion. She needed special spiked shoes for competition courses and knew she would have to do her best without them. But the coach saw her promise, and because she is one of his ...
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