Before I knew they existed, I saw the limping. Mild at first, the whincing became stumbling and the stumbling became pain. When the pain became obvious, we had to stop.
I lifted each paw to find the cause of the limping. I could see something like a small, gray stone, but with sharp barbs, ...
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Message from a stranger: God’s grace keeps us
I find myself in a collision of life change. As a result, I find myself living out of a suitcase, nursing anxiety acne, and feeling paralyzed when it comes to taking up my pen. Things like "Marriage Monday" and "Feed Me Friday" just seem like doing crunches right now (At least that's what I imagine ...
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Jenner, Josh and Jesus: They speak to us all
I missed a few things while driving cross-country. At the grocery store in my new hometown, celebrities dominate magazine covers next to the gum. Opinions and conflicting comments fill Facebook as people weigh in on Josh Duggar and Caitlyn Jenner. Most sound surprised. Now that I’ve landed in my new ...
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Jesus: Lessons for Leavers
He knew He wasn’t staying, though His friends and family couldn’t fully grasp His leaving. Leavers become a bit of a mystery to those who stay. Leavers understand this as much as we can. As someone who has been the “Leaver”, I know how desperately we want to leave well, how much we want to ...
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Loving well in times of change
It makes me feel better to tell myself this isn't "normal." I've made more mental lists than I can remember and more paper lists than I can find. I've been lonely as our family has been apart and anxious as I've anticipated greater separation. I've felt guilty for knowing the drive-thru menu by ...
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