There isn't anyone who can always know your needs. With my husband out the door, kids off to school, and me off to an early appointment, I started the day at a quick pace and stuffed my needs. When I could check off box number one, I jumped in the car and was greeted by a loud rumble. My stomach. ...
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Casting vision for a bright future
Did anyone ever tell you that you had a bright future ahead of you? Proverbs says that good news from a far off place is like cold water to a tired soul (Prov. 25:25). Maybe you were blessed by a parent who cast a vision for your potential, or maybe your Heavenly Father has been the One who told ...
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Marriage Mondays: Bringing out-laws IN
When Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything ...
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My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner
Every now and then I come to a realization making something familiar seem like a new discovery. So it’s been with stuffing this week.
In Praise of Stuffing
In anticipating Thanksgiving dinner, I’ve realized that, for me, it’s really about the stuffing. Some people call it “dressing,” and that ...
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Doing some “blog travel” before Thanksgiving
I'm seriously getting ready to go "over the river and the through woods to Grandmother's house," but first I'm stopping at the two blogs where I write with awesome contributor teams! One focuses on mentoring moms, and the other is all about understanding God's Word and laying it over life. Wanna ...
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