I’ve needed to write about being stuck, but I’ve been stuck. Maybe you’ve never felt this way before and you’re tempted to hit delete, unsubscribe, or write off this post as “Julie’s having a rough day.” But you might realize you’re more stuck than you know. Being “stuck” or paralyzed can show up in a whole junk drawer of ways: emotionally, relationally, physically, intimately, spiritually … Need I go on? And we can end up paralyzed from an equally messy mix of motivations: illness, loss, death, grief, conflict, change … Need I go on?
What I’ve realized emerging from “stuck.”
Being stuck isn’t the same as being still and knowing God is God. We may stop, but not to pray or ponder. We may just stop because we don’t know what to do next and we’re in shock that we have to do something new at all.
Being stuck isn’t the same as being depressed. I’m still productive, get my work done, and get up and make the bed. But I’ve been watching myself go through the motions until “being stuck” is over.
Being stuck can’t be rushed. I’ve tried, because I hate feeling mediocre and losing momentum. I’m all about moving forward. But God’s timing is so different than mine (Darn it). He works for my good on His own timetable, and I have to trust that. When you’re stuck, you press hard into what you know to be true, not what you feel at the moment.
So how DO we move forward when we’re stuck?
It’s a good question, because I’m all about moving forward. The Lord helped me shape my thoughts during my time in His word (Philippians 1:12-30) today. After all, Paul was physically stuck IN PRISON. He had every motivation to be stuck in other ways, too, but in a letter to friends (an early blog post?) he shares the secrets to moving forward.
- ASK God to help you know why you’re stuck. Sometimes we DO need deliverance. Paul knew prayer would be used to deliver him. It’s important to identify grief, loss, change, and trust, among other things in the “junk drawer.” A period of paralysis, however mild or intense, heightens awareness of our journey and strengthens understanding of ourselves. Paul even knew his deliverance could be by life or death, but he trusted God with that part. Sometimes we need deliverance from paralysis, and it begins with prayer. Get on your knees … on your face … ASK.
- EXPECT God to help you. You won’t always be stuck. Paul expected the Holy Spirit to work in his life for his good. He challenged his struggling friends to expect the same and to resist sliding from stuck to fearful. Even as we wait, God is not still.
- BELIEVE good things await. Someone will try to convince you this is foolish. Someone tried to convince me. But when we’ve asked God to move and we’ve expected His help, Paul says we can’t be surprised when hardship is part of moving forward. Our lives are meant to be fruitful, but not easy. God will ask us to do hard things. He asked Paul to do hard things. He’s asking me to do hard things. What hard thing is He asking you to do?
Moving forward in a fruitful life is not easy. Paul doesn’t want us to let the way our circumstances turn out to determine whether we stay stuck or move forward. “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents.” (Read the whole passage from Paul here.)
If we’re honest, I think we’ve all been “stuck” a time or two … or three. But we’re not meant to stay there. We can’t stay stuck and live for the gospel. I’m asking God for insight, expecting God to help, and believing good things are ahead.
Tomorrow I’m sharing a new favorite family recipe, and Monday I’m writing you about how God used opposition to help me move forward.
Thanks for sharing these insights, Julie. Hopefully, many will read and reflect. – Jack
Thank you Jack. You know well that change provides a lot of reason to reflect. I hope it will be encouraging for others too.
I love this, my friend! Prayed very specifically over you all today.
Thank you dear Holly. I love to picture you at your special prayer place and I’m glad to be listed among your prayers there!