Happy Feed Me Friday!
It may be March, but I still want warm, comforting food for dinner! Even though this IS the month spring technically arrives, this week has been full of winter weather for MANY. We had one day this week that chilled me to the bone, and I was fighting (still am) a nasty ...
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The answer to Human Trafficking
Do you ever have a moment when you're overwhelmed by one of the "wrong" things of the world? Maybe it's as basic as fighting a bad cold (I'm in that group this week), or maybe it's as personal as the loss of a loved one. This Saturday I'm helping to host a training day about Human Trafficking in ...
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Marriage Monday: How to survive change
Times of change strain a marriage. The change may be as basic as the addition of a child or a move to a new job or home, but it may be as individual as a diagnosed illness or a broken relationship. The fingers of change reach into every husband and wife’s relationship, never respecting age, season ...
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How to pray for your single friend & a GIVEAWAY
Sometimes we think we know how to pray for each other, but we don't. Our family gathered for dinner one night, and Jeff began to pray. In his prayer, he prayed for the Lord to help me (Julie) have strength and feel better. HELLO?
When we lifted our heads, I had to try really hard not to blurt ...
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Marriage Monday: Are wives scared of single moms?
Where marriage and singleness intersect, we learn a lot about ourselves. In hearing some "Single Things" this month, we really can't bring some conclusion to the conversation without pulling back the curtain on a little discussed question: Do married women resist befriending single women out of fear ...
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