I’m pretty sure that some of the biggest neighbor killers are friendliness faux pas. Often small and innocent, their effects may reach far and deep if allowed to make themselves at home.
- Like the first Christmas in our new neighborhood, when I sent a card to the people next door … Chuck and Sandy. And then I discovered her name was Gayle. (HORRIBLE moment of realization!!!) No wonder they stopped giving me eye contact at the mailbox…
- Or the day I tried to be a good neighborhood member and go door to door updating info for our directory … only to be invited inside by one overly eager neighbor in overly revealing boxer shorts. (Another HORRIBLE moment of realization!) Yeah, I don’t really want to be his friend…
Once awkward interaction or unfriendly patterns “move in,” we can become comfortable with or even stop noticing them … like dust bunnies in the corner, a creak in the floor, or a wasp nest by the back door. Changing routines to reach out will be difficult, but not impossible. To let a small faux pas create an unspoken norm of unfriendliness is one way of injuring a Neighbor near us. God rejects our apathetic attitudes.
“If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him” (Lev. 24:19).
“Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure” (Psalm 101:5).
Have you been caught in a faux pas with a Neighbor?
Sometimes bloopers make it hard to lay aside our pride (or put on a robe!) and re-extend a hand of friendship. Once we have an embarrassing moment with a Neighbor, we must get past the awkwardness and build that bridge.
Housewarming Neighbor Giveaway
Today, in honor of my new blog home, I want to encourage you in being a Neighbor who reaches out. Enter in one or more ways listed below, and you’ll be entered to win this gift of Neighbor inspiration. The combo includes: a beautiful Friendship notebook to keep track of their names or prayer needs or plans to reach out, a box of cookies, a package of chocolate velvet coffee, and cute napkins. You’ll be ready to have a neighbor over for coffee. I’ll announce one winner chosen by Random.org on TUESDAY when I share one of my favorite all-time recipes.
Tomorrow I’ll be offering another housewarming giveaway AND Week #4 of Ready, Set, REACH!
Enter by:
- Become a new subscriber (leave a comment to let me know)
- Share today’s post/the neighbor series on Facebook or Twitter (leave a comment to let me know)
- Like the CHP Facebook page or start following on Twitter (leave a comment to let me know)
I subscribed.
Thanks for getting connected Faith!
I shared on FB.
So glad you shared Faith!
I liked the Facebook page awhile back…does that count? lol:) Great post and so true!
You count! Yes, so true, and I cringe when I realize I’ve had another “negative neighbor moment.” 🙂
I have just become a new member of this website today, and have already found so many inspirational things!
Thank You so much,
Jennifer Hammett!!
Welcome, Jennnifer! I’m so glad you’re here and look forward to getting acquainted.
Julie- don’t enter me in the giveaway but I just have to say thanks for the laugh! I needed it!
Well I’m glad it made you laugh, Sandy. 😉
Shared this message to my neighbor, Missie Young!
Thanks for sharing Lora … you’re a good neighbor. 🙂
I have made the name mistake so many times before. But then again I get lots of new neighbors. Btw I subscribed Tuesday. Congrats on the new blog home!
Considering how often you get all new neighbors … I think you’re allowed. 😉 AND … I’m going to be praying for the new neighbors about to receive YOU!
I shared on Facebook and am already subscribed.
Hello, I enjoy reading all of your post. I wanted to write
a little comment to support you.
Appreciated. 😉 So glad you are here.
Julie, Come Have a Peace is so refreshing, encouraging, and beautifully convicting!
Thank you for sharing your heart (and God’s) with us! I love learning from your journey. Be blessed!
I’m so glad, Heidi, and thank you for your encouraging words!